Arctic STANDARD Tunnel
Arctic Standard Tunnels is a multispan tunnel, a system that has proven itself as being the most economical and strongest tunnel system for the soft-fruit and vegetable industries.
The Arctic Standard tunnel is used for strawberry, raspberries, gooseberries, redcurrants, cherries, asparagus, salads, and other vegetables. Farm animal and wild life have other applications. The Multispans come with a variety of plastic covers, Kinglux and Polylux, and canvasses.

Benefits Include:

  • Keeps the crops dry and the harvest workers dry
  • Higher yields ( up to 30% )
  • Less Disease Problems
  • Reduced chemical input costs
  • Non Reliant Weather Working Conditions
  • Better Consistency in the Supply Chain
  • Easy Equipment Access
  • Successful biological performance
  • Extension of season
  • Management made easy

A wide selection of sizes of structures ( 5.8 metres to 8.5 metres )
Variable height sizes:

  • Our steel is the top of the range with all the gadgets.
  • Standard Multispans

Arctic Tunnel

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